To download a copy of the By-law please click on the name.

By-Law 22-01 – Committee of Adjustment Members for 2022

By-Law 22-02 – Annual Scotiabank Borrowing By-law Agreement

By-Law 22-03 – 2022 Interim Tax Levy

By-Law 22-04 – Mattawa Fitness Center-Facility Lease Renewal

By-Law 22-05 – Emergency Management Program Committee Terms of Reference

By-Law 22-06 – Northern Ontario Resource Development Support (NORDS) Fund – Transfer Payment Agreement

By-Law 22-07 – 2022 Setting of Water Rates

By-Law 22-08 – Amendment to Consolidated Fees and Charges By-Law

By-Law 22-09 – Ontario Infrastructure & Lands Corporation Guarantee & Postponement of Claims Agreement

By-Law 22-10 – Joint Election Compliance Audit Committee

By-Law 22-11 – NOHFC Conditional Contribution Agreement for Museum Roof & New Stage

By-Law 22-12 – Rosemount Valley Suites Property Management Agreement

By-Law 22-13 – Amendment to Clean Yards By-Law 21-12

By-Law 22-14 – 2022 Municipal Elections Procedure By-Law

By-Law 22-15 – Use of Municipal Resources for Election Purposes

By-Law 22-16 – 333 Main Street – Design Build Contract

By-Law 22-17 – Records Retention Policy By-Law

By-Law 22-18 – Reserve & Reserve Funds Policy

By-Law 22-19 – By-Law to Adopt 2022 Operating Budget

By-Law 22-20 – Establish Tax Ratios for 2022

By-Law 22-21 – Rate of Taxation for 2022

By-Law 22-22 – By-Law to Regulate Smoking and/or Vaping of Tobacco and Cannabis In
Public Places and Workplaces

By-Law 22-23 – Accessibility Committee Terms of Reference

By-Law 22-24 – Joint Use Agreement with Near North District School Board

By-Law 22-25 – Supply, Installation & Maintenance of a Driveway Culvert Policy

By-Law 22-26 – Rosemount Valley Suites Mortgage Financing Approval

By-Law 22-27 – 333 Main Street – Short Term Financing Agreement

By-Law 22-28 – Laneway Access Agreement – Main Street

By-Law 22-29 – Factor Grant Received

By-Law 22-30 – 333 Main Street Design Build Contract Change Order

By-Law 22-31 – Land of Sale – 333 Main Street

By-Law 22-32 – 1216 John Street – Acquisition of Property

By-Law 22-33 – Delegate Authority to Chief Administrative Officer

By-Law 22-34 – To Amend Taxi By-Law No. 19-29

By-Law 22-35 – Ontario Infrastructure Loan Debenture By-Law