Emergency Services

Emergency Services

In all cases of emergencies you should dial 911 to reach:

The Mattawa Fire Department is a volunteer fire department with approximately 20 members. This team is manned by a group of dedicated individuals who have a keen sense of team. The Town being so small in geographical area, the response time to emergency calls is by far the best in the region and among the best in all of Canada, among volunteer fire departments. No volunteer fire department gets rolling on faster than Mattawa’s Fire Department and that is comforting to those of us living in Mattawa.

Ambulance services in Mattawa are housed at the new Mattawa General Hospital at 217 Turcotte Park Road in Mattawa.

Emergency Preparedness

Our Emergency Preparedness Officer is Wayne Chaput. If there are any questions regarding emergency planning, please feel free to contact Wayne at 705 744-5611 or by e-mail at wayne.chaput@mattawa.ca.

The Town of Mattawa developed a comprehensive Community Emergency Plan, which was put into action in the summer of 2006 when Mattawa was hit by a severe storm with extreme high winds, forcing the Mayor to declare an emergency as the Town found itself without power for the better part of a week. The Emergency Plan provided the framework for the implementation of an organized and structured response to the emergency that was very successful in controlling and reducing the stress on our residents.

With the lessons learned from the event of 2006 we aspire to provide appropriate and valuable response to emergencies if and when they may occur. It is hoped of course that we would never again have to declare an emergency, but we do have a tested Community Emergency Plan and an Emergency Preparedness Officer who is dedicated to maintaining regular exercises with municipal staff and updating our plan so as to ensure we are prepared.

Below are some very useful documents on Emergency Preparedness that you can benefit from if ever you need it.

    • Community Emergency Plan –PDF
    • Children and Emergencies – Fact Sheet –PDF
    • Emergency Preparedness Guide for People with Disabilities and Special Needs –PDF
    • Emergency Survival Checklist –PDF
    • Emergency Survival Kit – Fact Sheet –PDF
    • Pets and Emergencies – Fact Sheet –PDF
    • Seniors and Emergencies –PDF
    • Tips for Dealing with High Winds and Severe Rainfall – Fact Sheet –PDF
    • Ontario Seniors – How To Plan For An Emergency –PDF
    • Emergency Preparedness Guide –PDF

Emergency Preparedness Week  (Sunday, May 4th to Saturday, May 10th, 2025)

The Government of Canada has a website entirely around being prepared in an emergency.  On this site you will find links to creating an emergency kit, what to do in the event of an emergency and many other useful tools.  We encourage everyone to access the link and begin your journey with your family to becoming prepared for any emergency – Get Prepared Website

Below you can access some tools in assisting to create your emergency kits and some fun activities for the kids to do as well.  Just click on the name to download the information.

For the kids: 

In all cases of emergencies you should dial 911 to reach: