Author: Amy Honen

2018 Elections

TOWN OF MATTAWA VOTED ON OCTOBER 22, 2018 2018 Accessibility Report YOUR NEW COUNCIL FOR THE TERM 2018 – 2022 ARE… Declaratoin-of-Elected-Candidate Final-Summary-of-the-Statement-of-Results-of-Election TOWN OF...

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2018 Council Agendas

2018 COUNCIL AGENDAS & MINUTES AGENDA MEETING TYPE MINUTES January 8th Regular Minutes January 22nd Regular Minutes January 29th Special Minutes February 5th at 7:30 pm at the Papineau-Cameron Township Chambers Public...

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User Fees & Charges

The Town of Mattawa has implemented a three year consolidated user fees schedule.  Council at their regular meeting on Monday June 24, 2024 unanimously passed By-law 24-16 approving the fees.  Below is each section of the...

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